
Practice Area Specialist:
Kevin Stillwell
Acting for more than 350 doctors’ practices in addition to individual GPs, Kevin can draw on extensive practical experience in addressing issues faced by GP clients.
With his detailed knowledge of general medical practice Kevin is able to offer cost effective advice to general medical practitioners, especially in the areas of Partnership Agreements (formation and structuring), admissions and retirements, surgery relocation, leasing and building schemes, inter-partner disputes, practice mergers and federations.
With a client base of over 350 Doctors’ practices in excess of 25 years experience in this field, Stillwells have advised on the formation of many Doctors’ federations.
It is imperative that a federation is governed by a well drawn-up shareholders agreement. Stillwells is able to provide advice as to the legal structure of federations and shareholders agreements, including assisting clients in reaching mutual agreements on issues such as:
- Equal or weighted shareholdings
- Equal or weighted voting rights
- Members’ loans
- Representation by nominees on behalf of practices
Contact us today on 023 8072 7180 for a no obligation initial consultation.

Practice Area Specialist:
Hannah Lawton
Hannah joined the firm in 2018 to become a member of the Doctors’ Partnerships team.
Hannah qualified as a solicitor in 2017 having previously concentrated on property transactions. She is experienced in handling matters such as leasehold and freehold transactions, remortgages and transfers of equity. One of Hannah’s key strengths is her skill in research. This enables her to remain up to date with current changes in legislation, and NHS policies, which can affect health care professionals and their businesses. She is committed to ensuring that her clients receive a professional, yet friendly, service so that the best possible outcomes can be achieved.